This sample application illustrates how to implement a reactive calendar with Meteor 1.4, FullCalendar, BlazeJS, and Semantic UI. This involves:


After installing Meteor and downloading this package, cd into the app directory and run:

meteor npm install

Start the application using:

meteor npm run start

That will invoke the script in the package.json to run meteor. To speed up the process, the script disables release checking.

Note regarding bcrypt warning. You will get the following message when you run this application:

Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
In order to use the native implementation instead, run

  meteor npm install --save bcrypt

in the root directory of your application.

On some operating systems (particularly Windows), installing bcrypt is much more difficult than implied by the above message. Bcrypt is only used in Meteor for password checking, so the performance implications are negligible until your site has very high traffic. You can safely ignore this warning without any problems.

You can also run ESLint over the source code with:

meteor npm run lint


To best understand this application, it is useful to first familiarize yourself with:

UI Walkthrough

The homepage of the application displays a calendar page. Calendar Page

The left and right arrows can be used to change the month that is display and the today button will reset the calendar to the current day. Clicking on any day on or after the current day will trigger a Semantic UI Modal to appear, which is used to create an event.

Create Event Modal

Clicking on the Create Event button without first filling out the form will cause error messages to be displayed. All events must have a title, start time, and end time. The start time must be before the end time.

Error Messages

Once valid information is entered into the form, you can press Create Event to insert a new event into the EventData collection.

Create Event

After clicking on Create Event, the modal will close and a new event with the information you entered will be displayed on the calendar with its title and start time.

Calendar Events

Events can be moved to different days by dragging and dropping them. You cannot move an event to a day that has already passed.

Drag and Drop

Clicking on an event will delete it.

Delete Event

Code Walkthrough

Displaying the Calendar

The location of the calendar is defined using a div tag with the id field being the name of the calendar in calendar-page.html#L5. The settings for the calendar are located in calendar-page.js#L16.

Calendar Settings

The configuration for the calendar begins at calendar-page.js#L18. For this specific calendar, there is a title on the left, nothing in the center, and navigation buttons on the right.

FullCalendar Functions


The JavaScript functions that enable functionality for the calendar are located after the configuration. The events function fetches all of the events from the EventData Mongo collection. There’s a callback function that will run if there are any updates to EventData.


The eventRender function defines how the event will be rendered in the calendar. This function uses template strings to display the event title and start time.


The dayClick function handles the event where a user clicks on a day on the calendar. Clicking on a day creates a Session object that stores the date of the day that was clicked. The date information will be used later in create-event-modal.js. There is a condition that checks if the day that was clicked on has already passed. This prevents users from creating new events in the past.


The eventClick function is triggered when a user clicks on the event. When the user clicks on an event, the event will be deleted.


The eventDrop function allows events to be moved to different days by dragging and dropping. It does not allow events to be dragged into the past.


The Tracker at the bottom of calendar-page.js updates the calendar when there are changes made to the EventData collection.

Create Event Modal

The create-event-modal is created using the Semantic UI Modal class here. All of the content for the create-event-modal is in the Create_Event_modal template. The create-event-modal uses form processing that is similar to meteor-example-form. Once entered information is validated, it is inserted into the EventData collection.